Sunday, October 26

First Month

Today marks my first month in Tokyo. I have been staying awake until the morning to see the sun rises. I have a feeling that a welcoming change is about to happen along with this morning, among the many other mornings in my life.

Awhile ago, I was listening to Felipe and Darren talking downstairs, in the ashtray machine. It was two in morning, and if you don't say a word, you can hear the footsteps of lizards a mile away. But we were in Mexico, all of a sudden, because Felipe realized too many things in one stick worth of cigarettes. Darren is going home to Malaysia this Thursday. You never go home with a happy heart. You go home for cure, to look for a new angle to approach life because your eyes have socked out, and they cease to see what contents you, or make you happy just even for a while. I wish Darren all the good things.

My room in the morning

Last night, we had a drink in the lab. My professor, who was sitting beside me, suddenly nudged my elbow. He said he will be celebrating his 60th birthday soon. We had too many beer for a night I guess. Suddenly, he was telling me why he feels weird about getting old. You just don't change, he said. When I was your age and I was in Cambridge, I feel so many things all at once that I have to grow up even though I have no time in the world, he continued. I said the same things, I guess, are happening with me, because sometimes, I still get this funny amused feeling whenever I cross the street and everyone looks bizaare. But you know, he said, no matter how old you are, your feelings about the world, about yourself, about the things that are happening to you don't change much. The way I approach my life, and the way I want things to fall on the places that I think are right for me are still the same when I was 40 as when I was in my 20s. The only difference now that I am near 60 is perhaps that I'm beginning to ask where should I move further. It was easy when I was 40, you know life drifts by even if you don't make it so. Now, that I get older, I also get this feeling of not feeling death anymore. Birthday makes you pensive a little, he apologized.

Purpose brings people together. Today marks my first month in Tokyo, and I am 23. I swear there are a million things still awaiting to happen for me every sunrise.

Sunday, October 19


I hardly eat breakfast lately. Morning rush makes me sick too. Trains here are like canned goods. I'm like a sardine every rush hour.

Anyway, I wanna try the banana diet. Midorigaoka neighboorhood never runs out of this thing.

Wednesday, October 15

Oct 08 Ear Candy: Paolo Nutini

I've been listening to Paolo Nutini from Glasglow lately. I like this song particularly. Says a lot of the new life that I have now.

Check his music on his site.

Starting this month, I hope I can be religious in posting the music that plugs my ear on a monthly basis. I have this disorder with music. If I like it, that's the only song that I play over and over again for a month or so until I get tired of it and pick up the next one. Talk about faithfulness. haha...

Tuesday, October 14


I have strong psychedelic tendencies with fonts. I love fonts, and all the many abstract forms one can create with them. Sometimes, I feel that text alone can make me high. And I'm not talking about communicative meaning here that these texts can unexpectedly create inside my throat, although that, too, can drive me real mad at times. But have you expereienced that ethereal feeling, when a senseless character is juxtapose in a manner that can loosen your bra strap, or make uncomfortable sweat trickle down your armpits? How to say this is beyond me.

After I'm done fixing my 'new' life, I want to do something like these:

Credits (from top, down): 1, 2, 3, 4

Thursday, October 2


The classes for winter semester start this week. I'm almost done with registration, and all I gotta do now is to show up (this can be a bit hard since each day is colder than the last) . I'm taking most classes in Midorigaoka, which is literally a village, around 15 minutes walk from the main gate.

Some of my subjects need lots of neurotic concentration, so probably I'll be busy.

I hate this feeling, you know, having notebooks and complete set of pencils and erasers. It's like I'm back to school. But who am I kidding, I AM REALLY BACK TO SCHOOL.