Thursday, January 7

The little project of ours

I have this small thing going on with my childhood friend, Des, who also happens to be an expat in a faraway kingdom. We are doing a photo blog together! We've been buying time for this little project of ours, and we never really had the confidence to materialize it. Somehow, the New Year got away with the pushing, and suddenly we became excited with the whole concept.

Anyway, on a weekly basis, we will post a random photo based on a theme we talk about: her take, my take. Yesterday, we posted something for our pilot week (week o1), and we hope to be regular as much as we can.

The Grader's Folio
we're dreaming of balmy days, poignant remembrances, and all feel good things this year. open, and be a part of a week that will be. we will remain in you, regularly.
mike week 1
des week 1 final


Make it Easy said...

i love your photos!
are you originally from japan? or do you just live there now? im in love with your blog :-)

\@-@/ said...

i just moved here 1.5 years ago for my grad school.
thanks for being "in love with my blog". im lovin' your blog too!